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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Daily Devotional March 11 - What's your purpose?

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

There are seasons in life that have nothing to do with summer, spring, fall or winter. First of all there is the season of childhood. For some of us that was a wonderful season, full of delightful memories. But for some it was more like a nightmare that you want to forget and train your mind not to think about. Then there was the youth season, the adulthood season and the later years season.

There was the season of thinking we knew everything, then the season of reality setting in,the season of recognizing our need for a relationship with God and the season of serving God. There's also the set God on the back-burner season and maybe the deny God his rightful place in our life altogether season. There's the mountaintop experience season, the valley season and the lower than the valley season.

What ever the seasons you've been through , there's the NOW season also. The NOW season is the most important. Despite the past, good or bad, guilty or innocent, you have the opportunity right now to make a change if you want to. There is a lot at stake. If you are currently serving God with all your heart and following the lead of the Holy Spirit and adhering to the written Word of God, keep on, because this is the way to fulfill God's purpose in your life, this season.

If you are not following the lead of the Holy Spirit and if you are not adhering to the written Word of God and you are not serving God with all your heart, this is the season for change. Following God in this way has no drawbacks. Following God requires that you give up nothing that is part of God's overall plan for your life. So many people think if they turn their lives over to God for a season, that they will miss out on all the fun and lose their friends in the process. This is the furthest thing from the truth.

You will gain the excitement of living in the vein of the will of God where you understand your surroundings, you understand the outcome of certain decisions, you understand that life on earth doesn't last forever and time is moving rather rapidly. You also understand that no matter how long you have served the world, a moment in the will of God is better; better than all the fun, better than your relationship with all your friends. Life is enhanced. Fun becomes more lively and exciting and your friends will respect you and those that don't, well they were never really friends, they were users.

There is a time for every purpose under heaven and I want to be doing what God is planning.

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