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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Daily Devotional February 23 - Open The Door

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20

Jesus is doing the knocking on the door to your mind and your heart. He is calling out to you right now. Jesus has something to say to you and you need to hear it. But you have got to let Him in. With all the din of modernity, you really need the door open to hear what God is saying to you. This door is not a physical door. It is the door to allow for Holy Spirit intervention in your mind. If you are closed off to listening and responding to the Word of God or the voice of God you will not hear what God is saying to you. Remember, God does not yell at you. God will speak to you in a small still voice. God will not barge into your mind and re-arrange your thinking. You must invite Him in and make a place for Him.

Open the door and allow Jesus in. He will sup with you. I am so excited about this verse. Jesus wants to sup with me. You only invite your friends over to your house for dinner. Jesus wants to come and dine with you. Do you make this easy for God? Have you set a place in your heart for the entrance and company of the Holy Spirit? If you have a closed door with a lock on it and a small peep hole to see out, that's not very inviting for a Holy God that has given you life and everything in it. There's no question that Jesus is knocking. Open the door. Go ahead. Just close your eyes and say something like this:

'Jesus, come in and sup with me. I'm sorry I am so unavailable. I'm sorry I've kept you outside of my intimate place. Please come in and sup with me. You are welcome in my heart and my soul, for this day and this hour. I want to hear what you have for me.'

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